Heidi Dress & Bonnet

2020. 5. 2. 17:04BABY DRESS

Creating something that is unique is really fun. Can vintage and modern elements be one thing? Old fashion may be translated to something trendy and modern in my opinion. It was surely inspired by 1960s’ vintage dress, but I can still admire and enjoy the design in 2020.

It is such a great joy to find what would work for these days from old history and culture.

I will keep looking for the NEW designs and introduce to the young folks that is truly old that their grandma of grandma had in the closet.

My grandma is in her late 80s right now. She handed me some clothes in beautiful and high quality silk that she used to wear in 1950s. My beautiful grandma used to wear luxury designer brands’ clothing and wore ferragamo shoes in 1950s. It was a few years after Korea’s independance from Japan’s invasion. She was a enlightened woman and still gorgeous lady.
With appreciation I accepted all those times and stories in the clothes. I flew and brought them home. Those will remind me of her all the time I see or wear. She is currently spending her last moment before going to heaven. I miss her... and I will miss her.